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First Rate Property Management Blog

Eviction Protection: What Boise Landlords Need To Know

Blog Post Eviction Protection: What Boise Landlords Need To Know
It starts small. A tenant sends a message to ask for an extra day to pay the rent. But soon, it escalates. You inspect the property only to find damage. And now your tenant is several months behind with their payments.It's easy to feel helpless when faced with such a scenario...
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Professional Real Estate Portfolio Management: A Strategic Advantage

Blog Post Professional Real Estate Portfolio Management: A Strategic Advantage
Are you a newer real estate investor in the Boise, ID area? Do you want to expand your property portfolio, but you aren't sure how?If this sounds like your predicament, you may need professional portfolio management. Here are some key reasons why it is beneficial to let exper...
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Rental Property Management in Boise: The Clear Winner

Blog Post Rental Property Management in Boise: The Clear Winner
New construction is on the horizon for Boise in 2024, but what does that mean for property managers?The good news is, that with newer builds on the housing market, you can acquire property at a cheaper price and turn those properties into rentals.As you grow your property portfol...
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Which Up And Coming Neighborhoods In Boise Should You Be Investing In Now?

Blog Post Which Up And Coming Neighborhoods In Boise Should You Be Investing In Now?
Welcome to Boise, a city buzzing with potential and ripe for investment.But in this thriving landscape, which up-and-coming neighborhoods should savvy investors be eyeing right now?Don't worry. We're here to help you out.Let's go through what Boise neighborhoods you s...
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What Are Typical Application Fees?

Blog Post What Are Typical Application Fees?
Looking to fill a vacancy at your Boise rental property? If so, one of the first things you'll need to know is what to do about rental application fees.First things first: what is an application fee? This is something you (or your property management company) collect from all...
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How Do You Calculate Prorated Rent?

Blog Post How Do You Calculate Prorated Rent?
Have you decided to rent out your property in Boise? It's ranked as one of the most popular cities in the country and will no doubt see increased growth in the coming years.If you're a new landlord you might be confused about how much to charge for rent. One of the method...
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Why Should I Look into Hiring a Property Manager in Boise?

Blog Post Why Should I Look into Hiring a Property Manager in Boise?
Are you still wasting hours every day managing your own Boise property? Fewer than 50% of landlords manage their properties alone. The rest outsource to full-service property management companies.You won't have to schedule maintenance, collect rent, or market vacancies. Inste...
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Tips for Rental Property Accounting Records in Boise

Blog Post Tips for Rental Property Accounting Records in Boise
Learning how to invest in property is simple, but mastering accounting can be tricky without some advice.Efficient rental property accounting requires doing many things to ensure that you maximize profits and increase tax deductions. However, doing one thing incorrectly can cost ...
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Difference Between Service Animals, Emotional Support Animals and Pets in Boise

Blog Post Difference Between Service Animals, Emotional Support Animals and Pets in Boise
Dogs have always been man's best friend, but that's changing. These days, half of American pet owners view their Fido as a family member.Whether a best friend or a family member, pets are still furry animals that may fall afoul of the no-pets policy. Recent years have mad...
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Benefits of Online Portals for Owners and Tenants in Boise

Blog Post Benefits of Online Portals for Owners and Tenants in Boise
Back in the day, people were encouraged not to spend much time on the Internet. These days, the average person spends almost 7 hours per day connected to it.It's safe to say that the Internet is woven into the bedrock of our society, and is key to many everyday activities. Th...
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