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Finding Tenants in Boise: Tips for Effective Property Marketing Campaigns

Finding Tenants in Boise: Tips for Effective Property Marketing Campaigns

Currently, the state of Idaho only has 38 affordable rental homes for every 100 households with extremely low incomes. However, if you have affordable properties, don't automatically assume they'll be snapped up like hotcakes.

Without fantastic property advertising, finding tenants can be a tough job. So if you've been wondering why your rental income isn't going up, marketing may be the issue.

Read on to find out what you can do to create effective property marketing campaigns.

Have Detailed Property Descriptions

Your listing is the meat of your marketing, so get it right. Utilizing the right real estate words can mean the difference between someone looking elsewhere or checking out your property.

Make sure you highlight the key features, amenities, and benefits of your property. Be honest and transparent about any limitations or quirks.

Use Professional Photography and Videography

If you want to reach a large pool of potential tenants, then this step is a must. Those who aren't local will need to rely on photos and videos to tell them a story about your property, and if yours are blurry and low-quality, then no one will be interested.

It's worthwhile to spend some money on high-quality photos and videos. These will give people a fantastic first impression, as they'll see your property in the best light.

In addition, offer virtual tours either through pre-recorded videos or live video calls. This will save time for everyone involved.

Do Social Media Marketing

You might think that social media is only for personal purposes, but think again. Social media marketing allows you to show off your property and appeal to those who need somewhere new to live.

Try platforms such as Facebook, Instagram, and even Twitter. Use visually appealing posts and relevant hashtags to increase visibility.

Be Active With Networking

Being a part of your local community can really pay off. These valuable connections will put you in touch with responsible tenants who will make your life as a landlord a dream.

Connect with local real estate agents, property managers, and other industry professionals. Also, make an effort to attend local real estate networking events.

Work With a Professional

Marketing your rental property on your own can be a difficult job. Not only does it take time and energy, but you'll probably only get mediocre results too.

Partnering with an expert in property marketing can be a huge weight off your shoulders. If you find the right company, then you can trust them to help fill your property quickly.

Perform Effective Property Marketing

Property marketing is vital if you want to ensure all your units are occupied with as few vacancies as possible. So when you list your available units, make sure to use descriptive words, highlight the best parts of your property, use professional images and videos, perform social media marketing, and network with the local community.

Most importantly, you should work with an expert property marketer. They'll be able to get you excellent results!

Contact us today if you need expert help with property advertising. We at 1st Rate Property Management can also assist with property management services.


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